Anxiety & Early Intervention



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Feeling Worried Like a Knot in Your Tummy? Let's Untangle It!

Hey everyone! Have you ever felt your tummy tighten up before a big test, or maybe gotten sweaty palms before a play? That’s anxiety! It’s like your body’s alarm system getting a little too excited.

Sometimes, anxiety is helpful. It gives us an extra boost of energy to face a challenge. But when it happens a lot, even for small things, it can feel overwhelming, like a knot in your tummy that just won’t go away.

This can make it hard to sleep, concentrate at school, or hang out with friends. It can even lead to arguments with people you care about! That’s why it’s important to talk to someone about it early on, just like you would if you had a tummy ache that wouldn’t go away.

Think of a therapist like a special kind of coach. They can help you understand your worries, develop tools to feel calmer, and even practice talking to your friends and family about how you’re feeling.

Remember, you’re not alone! Lots of kids feel anxious, and there are grown-ups who can help you untangle that knot and feel like yourself again. So next time you feel anxious, talk to a parent, teacher, or counselor. They can help you find the right coach to get you back on track to feeling happy and confident!

Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose

Albert Ellis

Pioneer of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

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